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English - Tenses



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 13
Language English
Category English
Level Secondary School
Created / Updated 24.06.2015 / 16.06.2019
Licencing Not defined
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Present Simple (I play, practise..)

- habits, repeated actions, permanent situations (I play the violin, I practise every day)

- facts or general truths (All violinists do)

- with "state" verbs -> to express opinion, likes... (He likes the sound)

- for time clauses after when, until.. (As soon as I get the music, we will play it)

- for the future as expressed in tmetables (The violin lesson starts at 4.)


Present Continuous (is practising..)

- for sth happening right now or over a period of time around now (He is practising the violin as you can hear / We are rehearsing Mozart in the orchestra)

- for changing/developing situations (I'm getting better at it)

- for future arrangements (She's playing the first violing in the next concert)

- for annoying habits, with "always" (They are always interrupting me)

Present Perfect Simple (I've played)

- For actions, states, recurrent events in a period leading up to the present (I've played the violin for 12 years)

- for news or recent events, without any specific time reference (There has been a brilliant concert in..)

- for actions whose result we can still see (Wow! You must have pracitsed a lot!)

- for experience in our lives (She has never been to the KKL before)

- with superlatives and "first, second.." (That's the third time I've heard him play & it's the most beautiful concert I've ever been to)

- with "state" verbs (I've known/liked that piece since I was a child)

Present Perfect Continuous (I've been playing)

- to emphasise recent activities whose effects can still be seen (My arm hurts. I've been playing for 5 hours)

- to emphasise how long sth has been going on for (We have been practising all morning)

- to suggest that it's temporary (He has been playing the violin for 3 months but is going to give it up)

- to suggest that the action is not complete (I've been practising this piece but I can't play it very well yet)

Past Simple (I practised)

- for finished actions, situations, facts, states, events or habits in the past (Yesterday I practised for 6 hours. It was hard work but I enjoyed it)

- in reported speech (She said she didn't always practise enough)


Past Continuous (were playing)

- for actions in progress at a specific time in the past (Who were you talking to during the break?)

- for background actions when sth else happened (We were playing the Bach Suite when suddenly..)

- for annoying habits with "always" (They were always interrupting me)

Past Perfect Simple (I had practised)

- for an action that happend before another action in the past (I hadn't practised the vioning during the holiday, so I had to make up for it)

Past Perfect Continuous (had been practising)

- for longer actions or situations that continued up to the past moment we are thinking about (When you rang me up I had already been practising for 3 hours)