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English Tenses

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Present Perfect, Will Future, Going-to Future, Frist Conditional, Second Conditional, Third Conditional.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Present Perfect, Will Future, Going-to Future, Frist Conditional, Second Conditional, Third Conditional.

Kartei Details

Karten 11
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 01.06.2015 / 19.09.2023
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Present Simple

Example: "I eat breakfast at 7 am."

Description: regular activities, habits, facts

Signal Words: often, every day, every week, regularly, usually.

Passive: Toys are usually bought in the shop around the corner.

Present Continuous

Example: "I'm having a nice holiday."

Description: now, around now, future arrangemets

Signal Words: at the moment, now

Past Simple

Example: "Yesterday I booked a flight to Madrid."

Description: finishe actions at a specific time in the past

Signal Words: ago, last year, yesterday, in 1980

Passive: The rooms were cleaned by the staff last night.

Past Continuous

Example: "When I was riding the bike, a ball hit me."

Description: continuous actions at a specific time in the past

Signal Words: while, when, as

Past Perfect

Example: "Before I went to school, I had called my friend."

Description: actions before a specific time in the past

Signal Words: before

Present Perfect

Example: "I've lived in Wetzikon for more than 10 years."

Description: unfinished actions, recent events, experiences (no time mentioned)

Signal Words: since, just/recently, yet, already, not yet, never, ever, so far.

Passive: Three houses have been built.

Will Future

Example: "I'll help you"

Description: spontaneous decisions

Signal Words: i think

Passive: Three houses will be built

Going-to Future

Example: "I'm going to go on holiday in June."

Description: plan, predictions based on a sign

Signal Words: I'm Sure, It's planned that