Englisch; Oxford Word Skills
Vocabulary aus dem OWS, Unit 1 - 7
Vocabulary aus dem OWS, Unit 1 - 7
Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 205 |
Language | Deutsch |
Category | English |
Level | Secondary School |
Created / Updated | 19.11.2016 / 12.03.2017 |
Licencing | Not defined |
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<iframe src="https://card2brain.ch/box/englisch_oxford_word_skills/embed" width="780" height="150" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
from a country that is not your own
fremd, Fremder
is the general meaning but not all the details
Hauptinhalt, Wesentliches, Kernaussage
the written part
geschriebener Teil
know who sb is or what sth is, because you've seen/ heard them before
begreifen, verstehen, erkennen
recognize sb/ sth
read sth carefully from beginning to end
etw. durchgehen/ sorgfältig zu Ende führen
go through sth
recognize sth and decide what it is
bestimmen, kennzeichnen
identify sth
give an answer to sth without being sure of the facts
raten, vermuten
guess sth
the words before and after the new word or phrase that help you to understand the meaning
Zusammenhang, Kontext