Secondary Specific Ways of Teaching
Secondary Specific Ways of Teaching
Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 42 |
Language | English |
Category | English |
Level | University |
Created / Updated | 21.07.2014 / 23.07.2014 |
Licencing | Not defined |
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<iframe src="https://card2brain.ch/box/englisch1128/embed" width="780" height="150" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
→ curriculum
Goals are broad, general statements that describe what you intend to achieve.
They are ideas that you would like to have accomplished (verwirklichen).
e.g. goals of the curriculum, the textbook or unit of the textbook – Kompetenzen.
→ general intentions the teacher might have
Aim /aims of a lesson describe what you intend to achieve at the end of the lesson – Grob- / Stundenziel.
(Instructional) objectives
→ the intended learner achievement (Lernzuwachs)
e.g. skills, language system
(Instructional) objectives are specific behaviours that students have displayed during or at the end of the instruction. They are stated in behavioural terms and are measurable during the assessment phase.
(z. Bsp. klare Zielformulierungen für Phasen einer Unterrichtsstunde. Sie muss enthalten was die Schüler am Ende gelernt haben sollen, wodurch das Ziel erreicht werden soll sowie die Art der Ergebnissicherung oder Überprüfung - Feinziele).
Aims or objectives?
The students are able to count to ten in English and write the numbers.
Aims or objectives?
The students can form questions in the present.
Aims or objectives?
The students are able to form questions in the simple present using question words like DO or DOES.
Aims or objectives?
The students can understand an English text.
Aims or objectives?
The students can scan an English text in order to get detailed information about...