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Kartei Details

Karten 51
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Pädagogik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 11.05.2014 / 26.05.2014
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Which sound oft the English language is probably the most difficult one to pronounce fort he children?

Th-sound -> f,s,d

Be careful -> it may confuse the students and make pressure for the ones who can’t pronounce it correctly

tbl listing

outcome: completed list/mindmap

process: brainstorming

starting points: words, things, qualities, people, places, actions..

follow-up tasks: memory challenge games, ordering and sotring task/comparing task

tbl ordering and sorting

outcome: set of information/sorted/ordered data



starting points: put days of the week in correct order, order instructions, put event in chronological order

follow -up tasks: spot the missing item


starting points: personal experience thtat can be sorted according to specific criteria, rank items in order of interest

follow-up tasks:  groups present their rankings for the class, discussion, debate


starting points: headings/ half completed tabes/charts-> group the statements under headings (agree, disagree, undecided, complete this chart/table with information from the text

follow-up tasks: sus justify their decisions to the class, oral presentation


starting points: how many ways can you find to classify the food you eat daily?  think of 5 ways to classifiy the animals in the picture

follow-up tasks: odd one out

tbl comparing

outcome: varies from task to task



starting point: information from 2 different sources (descriptions: identify which person it is, narrative accounts: listen and say which of the 4 diagrams is most accurately for what happened, following instructions)

finding similarities

starting points: compare two persons, newspapers...

finding differences

starting points: spot the differences between two pictures

tbl problem solving

outcome: solution to the problem

process: analysing situations, reasoning & decision making

starting points: short puszzle, logic prblems (cutting the cake, crossing the river), real-life problem,personal experience, hypothetical issues (what advice would you give, decide on the best two places to, plan a dinner menu for overseas guests), imcomplete stories, poems, reports, clue words for prediction and guessing games (make up your own version of)

follow-up tasks: comparing task, presenting, justifying and discussing solutions, vote on the best

tbl sharing personal experiences

outcome: social talk

processes: narrating, describing, exploring, explaining, reactions

starting points: anecdotes (on given themes about people/things) personal reminiscences (about past routines and experiences about events you remember most clearly), personal reactions, attitudes, opinions..

follow-up tasks: which is the most funny experience the heard from others, tell not true anecdotes do the find out, summarise


tbl creative tasks

outcome: end product

processes: brainstorming, fact-finding, odering& sorting, comparing, problem solving..

starting points: creative writing, activities done  in small groups, social/historical investigations, media projects

follow-up tasks: diary which describs the process, make a poster and advertise your product

tbl types of tasks jane willis

- listing

- ordering and sorting

- comparing

- problem solving

- sharing personal experiences

- creative tasks