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Economics and Ethics

Kapitel 4

Kapitel 4

Kartei Details

Karten 7
Sprache English
Kategorie VWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 17.05.2014 / 13.03.2015
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Warm glow

giving undertaken to provide the donor with a good feeling

warm glow is a function only of the amount given g(x2)

warm glow is often considered selfish

implications fpr crowding out

Utility maximiation with warm glow in the standard treatment

First order condition
dU/dx2 =-v'(I-x2) + g'(x2)

rearranging and solving for the optimal value of x2

v' (I-x2)=g' (x2)  --> m*2=x2*

where U' = 0

Utility maximization with warm glow in the tax treatment

Substituting into the dictator's utility function

U= v( I-x2-t) + g(x2)

Applying the first order condition
dU/dx2 = -v' (I-x2-t)+g'(x2) = 0

rearranging: v'(I-x2-t) = g'(x2)  --> x2t

at the optimum, marginal material utility equals marginal warm glow

Crowding out with warm glow

prove crowding out by contribution (trying to find no crowding out)
standard: v'(I-x2) = g'(x*2)
tax:            v'(I-x2-t) = g'(xt2)

if there is NO crowding out, x2* must be equal x2t,which is impossible, so there is crowiding out

Pure altriusn and crowding out

if crowding out is complete (one for one €)
x2t = x2*-t

but substitution can't be made, so: crowding out is incomplete under warm glow

facts of pure altriusm and warm glow

pure altriusm: Donors care about total benefit to recipeints
they respond to to tax transfer by reducing their donations by an equal amount
Crowding out is complete: cp= -1

warm glow: Donors care only about the contribution they make voluntary
taxes reduces their net income, so they reduce giving
since they derive no utility from taxtransfer, thex reduce givung by less than the tax.
Crowding our is incomplete -1< cw<0

Impure alriusm

pure altruism + warm glow
U=u(m1, m2, x2)

Additively seperable utility function
U= v(m1) +f(m2) +g(x2)

Crowding out is intermediate