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Economics and Ethics

Kapitel 2

Kapitel 2

Kartei Details

Karten 11
Sprache English
Kategorie VWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 18.04.2014 / 13.03.2015
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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the morality of an action is determined solely (lediglich) by its results (or consequenses)

consequentialism is about the Good (goals)
the Right (rules) is that max. the Good

goals come first, rules to achieve the goals


assosiates morallity with self-interest

Psychological egoism

people are by nature self-interested


people max. utility, or satisfaction, Ui
Ui is a functiononly of one´s own material allocation xi

ex: doing good or avoiding bad: selfish
rescuing a child: selfish

Ethical egoism

an action is moraly right if and only if it max. one´s self interest or well-being


First welfare theorem of economics: Individuals acting in their own interests in free markets will max. economic welfare
Counterargument: Sometimes my interests are furthered by immoral behavior (neg. externalities)

Counterarguments Ethical Egoism

Egoism is not a moral theory
Cooperation involves a short-term loss for a long.term gain
Feelings:conscience is a ggod thing not a selfish thing (-> econmists exclude feelings)

Counterarguments Descriptive Egoism

Poeple often act against their long-term interests
EX: volunteering, giving money, donating a kidney
but still selfish motives: Social apprpval, futuer material benefits

Dictator Game

Subjects in one room are paired anonymously with subject in another room

Dictators: receive a sum of money (endowment)

Recipients: receive no endowment

Dictator can share any amount, including nothing, with his/her recipient

Control Dictator Game

Fix or manipulate variables
Single blind anonymity: paired subjects never learn the identity of their counteroart, but experimenter knows, who gives to whom
Double blind anonymity:the experimentor also never learns who made which decisions

Anonymity helps rule out certain explanations of giving