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Destination C1&C2 Unit22

HWZ Englisch Semester 6 Destination C1&C2 Glossary

HWZ Englisch Semester 6 Destination C1&C2 Glossary

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 69
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level Other
Created / Updated 16.07.2014 / 03.07.2018
Licencing Not defined
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to aggravate

His headache was aggravated by all the noise. - verschlimmern, verschlechtern

to better (1)

Bradman's average score of 96 has never been bettered. - uebertreffen

to better (2)

It's an important step towards bettering relations between the two countries. - verbessern

blemish (n)

The painting was spoiled for me by a blemish on the frame. - Flecken

chaos (n)

There have been severe floods, bringing chaos to the region. - Chaos

to cheapen

This type of advertising cheapens the image of the brand. - billig erscheinen lassen

to contaminate

Industrial sewage continues to contaminate our beaches. - vergiften, (mit Schadstoffen) belasten

to decay

Too much sugar will decay your teeth. - zerfallen (lassen)