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Destination C1&C2 Unit18

HWZ Englisch Semester 6 Destination C1&C2 Glossary

HWZ Englisch Semester 6 Destination C1&C2 Glossary

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 71
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level Other
Created / Updated 21.06.2015 / 03.07.2018
Licencing Not defined
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administer (v)

The nurse administrated the medicine. - abreichen

admit (v)

The doctor admitted that there was no hope. - zugeben

agony (n)

The patient lay waiting in agony for nearly an hour. - Qual

antidote (n)

He was given an antidote by a doctor after being bitten by a snake. - Gegenmittel

consultant (n)

The doctor referred him to a consultant. - Facharzt

diagnosis (n)

He was diagnosed with lung cancer. - Diagnose

innoculate (v)

Children are innoculated against hepatitus these days. - impfen

irritation (n)

When I touch a stinging nettle, I usually get a skin irritation. - Reizung