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Destination C1 & C2 HWZ Unit 4

Business English

Business English

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Kartei Details

Karten 42
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 11.03.2014 / 15.02.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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conservative (adj)

not willing to accept much change, especially in the traditional values of society: I grew up in a village where most of the people ere quite conservative. - konservativ (zurueckhaltend, vorsichtig)

decay (n)

the gradual destruction of something as a result of a natural process of change: Too much sugar in our diets is a major cause of tooth decay. - Niedergang, Untergang, Verfall

dynamic (adj)

continuously changing, growing or developing: The world of electronics is a very dynamic area. - dynamisch

endure (v)

to suffer something unpleasant or difficult in a patient way over a long period: I don't know how people endure the conditions in prison. - ertragen, aushalten

endure (v)

to last for a long time: Shakespeare's works have endured for over 400 years. - fortdauern, bestehen, Bestand haben

evolve (v)

when a type of plant or animal evolves, its physical form changes over a long period of lime: Do you think people will eventually evolve into some kind of superhuman? - entwickeln, sich entwickeln

evolve (v)

to gradually change and develop over a period of time: As the computer industry has evolved, everything has got faster and cheaper. - entwickeln, sich entwickeln

influence (v)

to affect the way someone thinks or behaves or affect the way something happens: Don't let yourself be influenced by what she says. - beeinflussen