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Current Issues in IT



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Kartei Details

Karten 46
Sprache English
Kategorie Informatik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 16.11.2015 / 17.11.2015
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Elements that enabled the First Industrial Revolution and the Second Industrial Revolution

-          Steam engine

-          Telegraph

-          Electricity

Results of Martin Luther’s attack on the church

-          He  argued  that  each  man  and  woman stands  alone  before  GodIndividuals are responsible for their own

-          Democracy


-          Naturwissenschaftler

-          Beiträge zur Evolutionstheorie

Germany and renewables

-          1 Million buildings

-          Energy Internet

-          Currently, around 25 percent of the electricity powering Germany comes from renewable energies. By 2020, the country aims to increase that to 35 percent.

Aggregate energy efficiency in 3rd Industrial Revolution

-          The efficeny about 15% in 2nd

-          About 30 or 40% in the 3rd

Cost of the national Energy Internet


-          1.2 trillion dollar over the course of time


-          bezeichnet den Raum mit Leben eines Himmelskörpers. Es ist derjenige Raum, in dem Leben vorkommt. Der Begriff der Biosphäre hat im Verlauf des vergangenen Jahrhunderts zwei Bedeutungswandlungen erfahren.

-        12 miles above 

Paradigm shift

-          From Market Capitalism to the collaborative commons (Gemeinswirtschaft)

-          A paradigm shift is a revolutionary change from one way of thinking to another. The paradigm we use and accept is dependent on us believing what we perceive to be true and accurate

-          Change from 2nd to 3rd industrial age