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Chinese with Huangyu 12.1

jian kang

jian kang

Kartei Details

Karten 24
Sprache English
Kategorie Chinesisch
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 01.12.2015 / 08.12.2015
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe    (```)
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I've received the express .

wǒ shōu dào kuài dì le 。

In the Christmas ,I will receive many represents .

zài shèng dàn jiē de shí hòu ,wǒ huì shōu dào hěn duō lǐ wù 。

It' s harmful for health to smoke .

chōu yān /xī yān duì jiàn kāng yǒu hài 。

The air polution is harmful to health .

kōng qì wū rǎn duì jiàn kāng yǒu hài 。

Smoking will infect on  my lung .

chōu yān duì wǒ de fèi yǒu yǐng xiǎng 。

I dislike other  people who smoke .

wǒ hěn tǎo yàn bié rén chōu yān 。

Do much exercise have influcece on my knees .

yùn dòng tài duō duì wǒ de xī gài yǒu yǐng xiǎng 。

Second -hand smoking infects my health .

èr shǒu yān yǐng xiǎng wǒ de jiàn kāng 。