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Chinese with Huangyu12.10



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 8
Language English
Category Chinese
Level Other
Created / Updated 10.12.2015 / 10.12.2015
Licencing Not defined    (```)
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is everything ok ?

nǐ méi guān xì ba ?

our company  established  the corporate relation with hengda .

wǒ men gōng sī hé héng dà jiàn lì le hé zuò guān xì 。

what's the relation between u and that person ? we are friends.

nǐ hé nà gè rén yǒu shí me guān xì ?wǒ men shì péng yǒu 。

our company has six departments .

wǒ men gōng sī yǒu liù gè bù mén 。

this clothes is made of  VASTO.

zhè jiàn yī fú shì VASTOzhì zào 。

is this  watch real product ?

zhè gè shǒu biǎo shì zhèng pǐn ma ?

yesterday ,I sent  you an express .

zuó tiān ,wǒ gěi nǐ jì le kuài dì 。

Samsung is a company making electron production.

sān xīng shì zhì zào diàn zǐ chǎn pǐn de gōng sī 。