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Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 14
Language Français
Category Latin
Level Vocational School
Created / Updated 11.09.2016 / 12.02.2023
Licencing Not defined
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tense change in rep. speech

present simple - i'm about 100km from australia

past simple - he said that he was about 100km from australia

tense change in rep. speech

present continous - The sun's shining

past continous - he said the sun was shining

tense change in rep. speech

past simple - there was a terrible storm

past perfect - he said that there had been a terrible storm

tense change in rep. speech

past perfect - i hadn't expected the storm

past perfeect - he said that he hadn't expected the storm

tense change in rep. speech

am/is/are going to - i'm going to win

was/were going to - he said that he was going to win

tense change in rep. speech

will future - i'll spend 2 hours in a bath

would - he said that he'd spend 2 hours in a bath

tense change in rep. speech

can - i can see sharks an dolphins

could - he said that he could see sharks and dolphins

tense change in rep. speech

may - i may win

might - he said that he might win