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BIT 250

BIT 250

BIT 250

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 247
Language English
Category English
Level University
Created / Updated 26.12.2014 / 02.01.2016
Licencing Not defined
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the unautorized copying if copyrighted software or media for personal or commercial use

piracy n.

someone who uses the Internet frequently and in a responsible way

netizen n.

computer copying intelligent human behavior

artificial intelligence (AI) n.

to insert an object into a file or internet page in such a waythat is no longer linked to the source document

embed v.

squence of immages giving impression uf motion

animation n.

a site that is intended to be the point of entry to the web

portal n.

using traditional copper telephone lines with analogue signals to connect a computer to a network

dial-up a.

set up programm or computer system

configure v.