Air Traffic Economics
Air Traffic Economics
Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 44 |
Language | Deutsch |
Category | Macro-Economics |
Level | University |
Created / Updated | 17.06.2015 / 14.06.2016 |
Licencing | Not defined |
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Aviation Economics
Value added chain
(Passenger & Freight transport)
Transport to airport → Travel services → ground handling (passenger/plane) → taxiing → air transport services → air traffic control
Aviation Economics
Aviation Markets & Actors: Markets, Carriers, Characteristics
Markets: line ops (cont. - intercont.), charter, freight transport, GA
Carriers: national flag carriers, hub carriers & alliances, LCC, specialised freight operators, specialised business aviation
Characteristics: global market (few borderlines), impacts local - regional - global, HiTech-Industry, early liberalisation & deregulatin, private acotrs - public ownership structures, high level of exposure (visibility, vulnerability)
Aviation Economics
Specific service concepts: LCC characteristics
No frill: reducing to the max (outsourcing to the customer)
Direct relations with short slots & quick circulations, high load factors
Standardised fleet for short haul flights
Internetmarketing & ticketing
Beneficial age structure, high productivity
Low cost airports(no hub airports!)
Aviation Economics
Die Freiheiten der Luft
1. Hoheitsgebeit eines fremden Staates ohne Landung überfliegen
2. Nichtgewerbliche Zwischelandung (Tanken, Wechsel Flugpersonal, Technical Stop) in fremden Staat (keine Aufnahme/Absetzung von Gästen, Fracht)
3. Transport von Gästen, Fracht in fremden Staat (aus Heimat)
4. Transport von Gästen, Fracht aus Vertragsstaat in Heimatstaat
5. Transport von & nach Drittstaat, wobei Start oder Ende in Heimatstaat sein muss
6. Transport von Vertragsstaat nach Drittstaat (mit Zwischenlandung in Heimatstaat)
7. Transport zwischen zwei fremden Staaten (ohne Verbindung zu Heimatstaat)
8. Transport zwischen zwei Orten innerhalb eines fremden Staates (Kabotagerecht) mit Zubringer aus Heimatstaat
9. Transport zwischen zwei Orten innerhalb eines fremden Staates (Kabotagerecht) ohne Zubringer aus Heimatstaat
Aviation Economics
Liberalisation & deregulation (Before & After)
Before: no market access (single destination), capacity reduction by bilateral agreements (50/50 rule), pooling & code sharing (bilateral allocation), tariff control, state ownership
After: new production concepts (LCC, Hub carrier): economies of scope, concentration & alliances: economies of scope & scale, globalisation & regionailsation: economies of scope & density, massive reduction of tariffs -> boost of demand, new ownershp models & financing schemes
Aviation Economics
3 pillars of growth in the airline industry
Organic growth (securing the leading positionin traffic flows)
Partner & Alliances (developing global presence)
Acquisitions (strengthening the position of hometurf)