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Kartei Details

Karten 19
Sprache English
Kategorie Allgemeinbildung
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 07.10.2016 / 07.10.2016
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Who is responsible for a VFR Traffic requesting to climb into airspace C in the Region of Fribourg / Birrfeld?

Geneva or Zürich Delta

Fribourg = Geneva

Birrfeld = Zürich Delta

At with FL is the Boundary between FIR and UIR?

FL 195

Name The FL and The Airspace Class

Note the available Airpsace Classes in Switzerland

C / D / E / G

Not the VMC minima for Airspace Class C/D/E

Distance from Cloud?

Flight Visibility?

Distance from Clouds:

horizontal = 1500m

vertical = 1000ft

Clear of clouds and with the surface (ground or water) in sight


Flight visibility:

at or above FL100 = 8km

below FL 100 = 5km

Fv might be reduced to not less then 1500m with adequate speed to avoid collision with other traffic or any obstacles

for helicoter Fv might be less then 1500m less speed

ATS provision for Airspace Class G

only VFR flights are permitted

FIS is provided, if requested

ATS provision in Airspace Class E

IFR and VFR flights are permitted

IFR Flights are provided with Air Traffic Control Service and are seperated from other IFR flighs

All flights receive Traffic information as far as praticable

ATS provision in Airspace Class D

IFR and VFR flights are permitted

all flights are provided with air traffic control service

IFR Flights are seperated from other IFR flights and receive traffic information in respect to all other flights

VFR ligths receive traffic infromation in respect of all other flights

all flights may request avoidance advice regadring other flights