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Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management

Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 10
Students 12
Language Deutsch
Category Macro-Economics
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 02.04.2012 / 05.03.2024
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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Adding value to products

i.e. shorter time to market

Improving market access

provide new market channels

A rective supply chain strategy works well when:

- chain acst to fulfill demand from trade partners sales and marketing strategies

- chain is perceived as a cost center by all involved

- chain needs minimal connectivity technologies and capital assest to respond to demand

- Ensuring the throughput at any cost is the chain's primary goal

With an efficient reactive suuply chain strategy, the chain:

- supports competitive positioning by serving as an efficient, low-cost and integrated unit

- Focuses efficiency and cost management on the total delivered cost of finished goods

- Places greater importanc on connectivity technogogy and new equipment to automate functions to reduce labor costs and improve capacity and throughput

The four basic flows connect the supply chain entities together - which ones?

- flow of physical materials and services

- flow of cash (from customer back upstream to toward RM supplier

- flow of information (back and forth along the supply chain)

- reverse flow of products returned (repair, recycling or disposal)

SCOR Model (linking processes, Metrics, Best Practises and Technologies)

what is SCOR in words?

Supply Chain Operation Reference - Model

SCOR Model is

- a process reference model developed and endorsed by a nonprofit coorporation

- the supply chain council (SCC) as the cross-industry standard diagnostic tool for supply chain management.

- it reflects the collective wisdom of years of field-based practices and provides a unique ramework that links business processes, metrics, best practices, and technology features in a unified structure.

SCOR landscape

- at the center is "your organisation"

- to the immediate right is the first tier of customers, which can be either intern/extern

- To the left is first tier of suppliers, which, again, can bei either internal or external

- The model goes out two tiers in both directions; the second-tier suppliers and customers are assumend to be external