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Vocabulaire divers

Vocabulaire divers

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 17
Language Français
Category English
Level University
Created / Updated 23.12.2014 / 23.12.2014
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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What does mean Yield ? 


= To surrender : Céder. 

To yield ground : céder du terrain. 

To yield in an argument = To back down 


What does mean Pastry

- Pâtisserie 


What does mean To inquire = To enquire 

To inquire - or To enquire - it's British. It means : ask information from someone. 

Ex : I inquired about Tom and I was told he doesn't live here anymore. 

Phrasal verb : ask for. 


What does mean Petty



For a detail : insignifiant 

For a person : mesquin

What does mean length 


ex : What length is the plank ? 

De quelle longueur est la planche ? 

To be 50cm in length. 

Faire 50 cm de longueur 

How does we say Efficace in english ? 


Pour une personne : Efficient. 

- She's an efficient woman. 

Pour une action, un médicament : Effective. 

- An effective medicine. 


What does mean a record ? 

a record (in music) : un disque 

a record (of events): un compte-rendu. 


Comment dit-on Engager

Engager (staff) : to hire. 

S'engager (as soldier) : to enlist.