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Kartei Details

Karten 41
Sprache English
Kategorie Naturkunde
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 21.04.2013 / 21.04.2013
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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Vertical thickness of the interval


True stratigraphic thickness

Static mis-ties

constant bulk shift of seismic at tie point for a match

Dynamic mis-ties


mis-tie varies with TWT eg increasing mist-tie with dip also known as migration mis-ties

4 causes of static mis ties

aPPle NEver DEstroyed PCs

Navigation or surveying Errors

Polarity Conventions - reverse polarity between different vintage lines


Processing Problems - (eg stacking velocities, static corrections, NMO stretch due to different mute patterns, wavelet shape ie min. or zero phase) the major cause of misties  

Diffraction Effects near faults

how does migration affect mis ties

unmigrated lines should always tie, so so mis-ties on these lines are of the static variety.

Dynamic misties only affect migrated data.

how to handle dynamic mis ties


Use strike lines only to tie events among the dip lines; map only the dip lines - wasteful on information held in the dip lines. • Explicitly correct strike line data by moving the data to their proper position on the basemap. This can be accomplished graphically eg move strike lines up-dip on the intersecting dip lines until they tie and plot the strike line information at the tie location on the basemap. Note that this correction will vary with dip and TWT.

dynamic mis ties


Shallow low dip events will tie reasonably; mis-ties increase with dip and TWT.