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Open Uni Spanish

Open Uni Spanish

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 53
Language English
Category Spanish
Level University
Created / Updated 08.07.2015 / 18.02.2019
Licencing Not defined
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como se va a la estación

how do you get to the station

para ir a la estación? 

to get to the station?

hay un banco por aquí? 

is tgere a bank nearby

vaya hasta el final de la calle

go to the end of the street (usted)

ve hasta la esquina

go to the corner (tú)

tome la primera a la derecha

take the first on the right (usted)

toma la segunda a la izquierda

take the second on the left (tú)

siga todo recto

keep straight on (usted)