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English Grammar Step G2 (new)

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Kartei Details

Karten 20
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 07.08.2024 / 12.08.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What is the Present Perfect Simple tense used for?

The Present Perfect Simple is used to describe actions that occurred at an unspecified time in the past and have relevance to the present.

How is the Present Perfect Simple formed in the positive form?

It is formed with the subject + have/has + past participle. Example: "I have eaten."

How is the Present Perfect Simple formed in the negative form?

It is formed with the subject + have/has not + past participle. Example: "She has not finished the work."

How is the Present Perfect Simple formed in the interrogative form?

It is formed with have/has + subject + past participle? Example: "Have you seen the movie?"

What is the main difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple?

The Present Perfect links an action or event to the present, while the Past Simple is used for events that are completed and have a specific time reference.

When do we use the Present Perfect Continuous?

We use the Present Perfect Continuous for actions that started in the past and are still continuing or have recently stopped with effects on the present.

How do you form the Present Perfect Continuous in the positive form?

It is formed with the subject + have/has + been + present participle. Example: "He has been working."

What is the difference in use between Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous?

Present Perfect Simple is used to focus on the completion and results of an action, while Present Perfect Continuous focuses on the duration or ongoing nature of the action.