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Mockingbird Step 8

Chapters 14-15

Chapters 14-15

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 19
Language English
Category English
Level Secondary School
Created / Updated 02.07.2024 / 02.07.2024
Licencing Not defined
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to indulge


She likes to indulge in a bit of luxury.

to allow yourself to have or do something that you like, especially something that is considered bad for you

to spank


The parents spanked the child for misbehaving.

to hit a child with the hand, usually several times on the bottom as a punishment



The community was highly resilient after the natural disaster.

able to recover quickly after something unpleasant such as shock, injury, etc.



The audience gave a reverent silence during the ceremony.

showing great respect and admiration

to perish


Many soldiers perished in the battle.

to die, especially in a sudden violent way

to recite


She recited the poem from memory.

to say a poem, piece of literature, etc. that you have learned, especially to an audience



He was labeled a traitor for sharing state secrets.

a person who betrays their country, friends, etc.

struck dumb

/strʌk dʌm/

She was struck dumb by the news.

so shocked or surprised that you cannot speak