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Mockingbird Step 6

Chapters 10-11

Chapters 10-11

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 20
Language English
Category English
Level Secondary School
Created / Updated 02.07.2024 / 03.07.2024
Licencing Not defined
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to involve yourself in something that should not really involve you

to meddle with

/tuː ˈmɛdl wɪð/

He warned his children not to meddle with the electrical appliances.

a legal agreement by which a bank lends you money to buy a house



They took out a mortgage so they could buy the house.

not happening at regular times; not reliable



She can be very erratic; you never know how she’s going to react.

to accept that something is true

to acknowledge


She refused to acknowledge that there was a problem.

to disappear suddenly and inexplicably

to vanish


The magician made the rabbit vanish into thin air.

causing or feeling nausea



The smell was nauseating.

happening or done at the same time



There were simultaneous announcements in English and Spanish.

in a way that is not detailed or exact



I can vaguely remember my first day at school.