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Social prejudice UNIBO

Lecture social prejudice at university of bologna 2024

Lecture social prejudice at university of bologna 2024

Kartei Details

Karten 41
Sprache English
Kategorie Psychologie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 22.05.2024 / 01.06.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Current approaches to health - Biomedical approaches

attributes the causes of ill health to some breakdown in normal biological and physiological functioning.

Current approaches to health - The biopsychosocial approach (Engel, 1977)

gives equal weight to biological, psychological and social dimensions of health (in practise is still mainly focused on biological ones with the moderation of some social factors)

Current approaches to health - Psychological approaches (Hagger, 2009):

understanding the combined influence of a person’s thoughts (e.g., sense of self-efficacy) and feelings (e.g., sense of loneliness) on their health behaviour (e.e., consuming alcohol)

Current approaches to health - social approaches
The social capital approach (from sociology)

societies in which people are socially integrated and interconnected (norms of reciprocity and trust) enjoy greater prosperity and well-being (Putnam)
(The importance to consider the interplay between social and psychological factors on health outcomes.)

Current approaches to health - social approaches
From epidemiology

There is a critical relationship between social inequalities and health, such as social injustice (e.g., poverty, unemployment, social exclusion, poor education) reduces opportunities for people to access health services and engage in healthy behaviours, independently of modern or undeveloped societies.
(The focus is exclusively on social factors, leaving unexplained why not all low status people have bad health conditions)

Current approaches to health - The social identity approach to health (Haslam et al., 2009)

understanding the role and reciprocal influence of psychological and social dimensions of health focusing on two basic assumptions:
1) The importance of social groups for health
2) The importance of people’s psychological identification with those groups

Social identity (Tajfel, 1972):

Crucial element for health as it is an essential dimension of the Self. Together with supporting our selfesteem, we also tend to support:
• The centrality
• The appreciation
• The efficacy
Of our social affiliations.

The social identity hypothesis

Because it is the basis for meaningful group life, social identity is central to both good and ill health