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SMA Unimib

SMA Unimib

Kartei Details

Karten 287
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Technik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 06.12.2023 / 15.01.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What is the internet?

Graph of physical devices

What is the World Wide Web?

  1. The World Wide Web is one of the major services of the Internet
  2. Inventor: Tim Berners-Lee
  3. Lee elaborated a previous project of sharing scientific documentation in electronic format regardless of the platform
  4. Goal was to provide more effective communication system for CERN but Lee soon realized the global potential of the idea.
  5. The Web now allows browse and take advantage of a very vast set of amateur and professional (multimedia) content connected to each other and of further services accessible to all or a selected part of Internet users
  6. Viviani: Graph of pages

What is Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)?

A sequence of characters that uniquely identifies a generic resource. Examples of URIs are: a Web address (Uniform Resource Locator, URL), a document, an image, a file, an e-mail address, etc

What is the fundemental concept behind the Web?

Hypertext and hyperlink. Hypertext is semi-structured text that uses logical links between pages that contain text (and other multimedia content)

Webpages are written in html --> this is the language to structure data

What is the difference between structured, semi-structured and unstructured data?

What is HTML?

  • HyperText Markup Language
  • Semi-Structured
  • Language behind Web Pages
  • Uses tags to define elements within documents
  • human-redable (use of standard words)
  • represented by a text-file, which can be editet e.g. with Notepad and generally has the .html extension

What are other semi-structured data formats?


What is XML?

  • Markup Language (like HTML)
  • Designed to store and transport data
  • Self-descriptive
  • hierarchical/tree structure with root element, that contains all the other elements of a document
  • The base unit of XML are elements (block of text within a document, pair of tags): 
    • start and end tag (names can be choosen freely)
    • <paragraph> Paragraph text </Paragraph text>
  • You can only write text in the lowest tags (title and paragraph in this case)