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010 Air Law

Air Law

Air Law

Kartei Details

Karten 54
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Verkehrskunde
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 31.10.2023 / 02.11.2023
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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flight levels

above the transition altitude


below the transition altitude

formation flights

1) on of the pilots-in-command shall be designated as flight leader

2) formation operates as single aircraft (position reports and navigation)

3) separation responsibility of flight leader and commander of other A/C

4) distance between A/C's not exceeding: 1km laterally and longitudinally / 30m vertically


right of way - approaching head on

each shall alter its heading to the right

right of way - converging

the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way

priorities collision avoidance:


1) Luftfahrzeuge in Not

2) Ballon

3) Segelflugzeug

4) Luftschiff

5) Schleppzug

6) Motorflugzeug


  • considered as approaching from behind (not able to see NAV lights - angle of 70°)
  • altering its heading to the right (except for sailplanes)


lights to be displayed by aircraft at NIGHT

  • anti-collision lights
  • NAV lights

also should be displayed during DAY

Further: taxiing or towing & engines running: should use corresponding lights indicating that fact