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IAI | HSLU | Magdalena Picariello

Introduction to AI | HSLU

Introduction to AI | HSLU

Kartei Details

Karten 92
Sprache English
Kategorie Informatik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 17.10.2023 / 02.11.2023
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What AI can and cannot do?

Due diligence on the project

Brainstorming framework

  • Think about automating tasks rather than automizing jobs, e.g. call center routing, radiologists
  • What are the main drives of the business value?
  • What are the main pain points in the business?

Key Questions in Technical diligence:

  1. ●  Can we meet desired performance?

  2. ●  Can we use pre-existing components?

  3. ●  How much data is needed?

  4. ●  What resources are needed?

  5. ●  What are the dependencies?

  6. ●  Are there any legal constraints?

Key Questions in Business diligence:


● Does it lower costs?
● Does it generate revenue?
● Does it enable launching new product?
● Does it generate ENOUGH value?

Is the project technically feasible?

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Do other people solve similar problems?

  2. What performance do they achieve?

  3. With my skills, what performance can I achieve?

  4. Do I need additional resources?

  5. Can I do it in a reasonable time?

Is the project technically feasible?

Can I make an AI project without big data?

Yes, you can make progress without big data.