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Basic Indonesian for Holidays

Some basic Indonesian sentence for your vacation in Indonesia

Some basic Indonesian sentence for your vacation in Indonesia

Kartei Details

Karten 44
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Übrige
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 19.07.2023 / 20.07.2023
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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How do you pronounce C

always makes the ch sound. For example, in the English word change

How do you pronounce R

The R sound is always rolled, similar to in the Spanish language

How do you pronounce V

V is always pronounced like the f in the English word fair. However, this letter isn’t that common in Bahasa Indonesian. 

 What is special about the pronunciation of P, T and K?

P, T and K in English are often pronounced with a slight puff of air (aspirated). For example, like in the English words, pit, tick and kit. However, aspiration  is never used with these letters in Indonesian. Instead, the sound is more subtle, like the p in the English word spit.

How do you pronounce Ng?

If  you see ng on its own, you need to  pronounce it like the ng in sing.

How do you pronounce Ngg?

If you see it with an extra g, it is pronounced like the ng sound in finger. Essentially, it’s just ng plus g (Ngg).

How do you pronounce Ny?

Ny should be pronounced like the ny in the English word canyon.

How do you pronounce Sy?

Sy is the same sh sound found in the word English.