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VL3, VL4

VL3, VL4

Kartei Details

Karten 16
Sprache Français
Kategorie Biologie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 18.05.2023 / 21.05.2023
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Basic remarks for toxicokinetics on the organism level (4)

1. uptake > elimination -> bioaccumulation 

2. the concentration of a chemical in the tissue of an organism is time & mass/size dependent

3. the elimination rate of a chemical is time & concentration dependent 

4. pseudo elimination = growth dilution (persistent chemical taken up at young age -> concentration decreases with increasing growth) 

How do you determine tissue concentrations & BCF (in the lab) (2 phases)



1. Phase: the exposure to the contaminant at a constant concentration -> uptake & elimination 

-> wait until concentration in tissues is at SS -> calculate BCF = ctissue/cwater = ku,w/ke (BMF = ctissue/cdiet = ku,d/ke)

BUT: reaching SS can take a long time, can be more efficient to determine BCF based on uptake & elimination rates 


2. Phase: depuration, contaminant is removed -> only elimination happens 

Biomagnification Factor BMF & Interpretation (3)

= a measure of the increase of a chemical in organisms across trophic levels: czooplankton/cphytoplankton

BMF <1: chemical is effectively metabolized/eliminated by the organism

BMF >1: chemical accumulates from the diet in zooplankton

Example: bioaccumulation kinetics of PCB's in Rainbow Trout 

- background (2)

- what concentrations do we expect in fish at SS? (2)

- How long will it take (after exposure) to eliminate 50% of the chemical? (t1/2) (1)

- researchers have found elevated PCB levels within crabs 

- PCBs = endocrine disruptors 


-> BCF = Corg/Cw = ku,w/ke at SS -> Corg (SS) = Cw * ku,w/ke (if you increase Cw by 2, Corg increases by 2 but BCF stays the same, as ratio) 

- we have an allometric relationship for the bioaccumulation in fish; uptake rate depends on size for chemicals with logKOW >3


- t1/2 = ln(0.5)/-ke -> elimination is also heavily size/weight-dependent 

Summary; both chemical (3) and biological (6) traits determine the final concentration 

chemical: solubility, molecular size, partitioning behavior, degree of chlorination/halogenation (examples) 


biological: organism composition (protein, lipids); feeding routes (water, sediments), diet, physiology, growth rate, feeding behavior (feeding rate), assimilation efficiency, temperature, size of organism

Define Toxicokinetics 

= what a cell/organism can do to a chemical 

Explain the role of the cell in toxicokinetics (4)

1. fundamental unit for providing all toxicokinetic processes 

2. cell wall + membrane as important barriers for toxins 

3. cell membrane & surface proteins/channels are key for uptake & elimination of chemicals/toxins 

4. cellular compartments are important: depending on their composition (protein like nucleus, lipid like membrane), depends where chemical will end up 

Name the 4 most important toxicokinetic processes 

1. passive transport (incl. facilitated transport) 

2. active transport 

3. endo,- & exocytosis 

4. biotransformation