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Karteikarten für die Klausur “Teaching English as a Foreign Language”. Kurs von Prof. Merse aus dem WS 22/23

Karteikarten für die Klausur “Teaching English as a Foreign Language”. Kurs von Prof. Merse aus dem WS 22/23

Kartei Details

Karten 158
Lernende 33
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 19.01.2023 / 28.01.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What does L1 stand for?

First Language

When learners learn an additional language they...

What are typical features of infants' L1 acquisition in their early weeks of life?

  • uncontrolled production of sounds; first vocalizations
  • ability to notice differences between similar sounds
    •  auditory discrimination, e.g. pa ⇔ ba
  • children do not seem to reflect on the language they hear (no interaction with others)

What are typical features of infants' L1 acquisition in their first year of life?

  • stop making distinctions between sounds that are not phonemic in the language
  • understanding of frequently/regularly repeated words and phrases
  • interaction with others through L1
  • production of first – usually monosyllabic – words

What are typical features of a child’s L1 acquisition in their second year of life?

  • creatively combine words in order to form more or less meaningful sentences
    •  telegraphic sentences: no prepositions or articles
  • use of L1 word order (‘truck fall down‘)
  • produce at least fifty words (some researchers call this the beginning of Wortschatzspurt)

What are typical features of a child’s L1 acquisition in their third year of life?

  • use of predictable language patterns (grammatical morphemes, negation, questions...)
  • some children show a gap between language use and their cognitive development (i.e. regarding concepts they have grasped)
    • plural forms: children can distinguish between singular and plural long before they reliably add plural endings to nouns

What is cross-sectional study?

data collected at one point in time across a population, e.g. children who are two, three and four years old

What is longitudinal study?

Data is collected repeatedly over time with the same people, for example, the same child at 2, 3 and 4 years old.