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Here you have the opportunity to test what you have learned in the various sessions. The tool shows you the correct solution after your answer, so that you know immediately what would be correct.

Here you have the opportunity to test what you have learned in the various sessions. The tool shows you the correct solution after your answer, so that you know immediately what would be correct.

Kartei Details

Karten 90
Sprache English
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 29.09.2022 / 01.12.2022
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Situation in Europe: legislation/consent modali; Mihaly Sandor 

Which is the most common legal system in European countries regarding or-gan donation from deceased?  

Situation in Europe: legislation/consent modali; Mihaly Sandor 

Main characteristics of public knowledge and attitude about organ donation in Europe:  

Situation in Europe: legislation/consent modali; Mihaly Sandor 

Regardless of the law applied for organ donation from deceased, the role of the health care professionals who are responsible for the com-munication with the donor family is: 

Situation in Europe: legislation/consent modali; Mihaly Sandor 

What is the most common reason for failure of organ donation among identified and reported potential donors? 

Situation in Europe: legislation/consent modali; Mihaly Sandor 

Some main roles of family conversations: 

Ethics in organ donation (deceased and living) – Dr. José-Maria Dominguez-Roldan 

Autonomy of the person is essential for voluntary consent in organ donation. Which of these characteristics is not associated to a voluntary consent? 


Ethics in organ donation (deceased and living) – Dr. José-Maria Dominguez-Roldan 

One of the following aspects is no related to Declaration of Istanbul  

Ethics in organ donation (deceased and living) – Dr. José-Maria Dominguez-Roldan 

Regarding living donation one of the following asseveration is not right.