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Information Management

Information Management UZH HS21

Information Management UZH HS21

Kartei Details

Karten 25
Sprache English
Kategorie Informatik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 04.01.2022 / 05.01.2022
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How is the Business Model Canvas built?

Building Block: Customer Segments

What types of customer segments and markets exist?

  • mass market
  • niche market
  • segmented
  • diversified
  • multi-sided platforms

What's the value proposition?

Bundle of products or services that create value for specific customer segment.

What are some examples for a value proposition?

  • newness
  • performance
  • customization
  • "getting the job done" 
  • design
  • brand/status
  • price
  • cost reduction
  • risk reduction
  • accessibility
  • convenience / usability

What are "windowing" and "versioning"?

Windowing: selling the same product through different channels at different times. E.g. movie -> video -> pay-TV -> free TV

Versioning: selling different versions of the same product. E.g. selling full version, reduced version of a program

Building block: Channels - What questions are answered by this building block?

How does the company communicate and reach its customers to deliver the value proposition? 

Which channels do customers want to be reached?
How are channels integrated?
Which channels work best / are most cost-efficient?

What channel phases are there?

Awareness -> Evaluation -> Purchase -> Delivery -> After sales

What does types of Customer Relationships are there?

  • Personal assistance
  • 1:1 assistance, dedicated
  • self-service
  • automated services
  • communities
  • co-creation