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Business Ethics - Sustainability

FHNW - IM Sustainability, Session 3 Chapter 3

FHNW - IM Sustainability, Session 3 Chapter 3

Kartei Details

Karten 8
Sprache English
Kategorie Religion/Ethik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 30.12.2021 / 10.01.2024
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Which Statements are true?

Farmers cannot keep harvested seed from genetically modified crops, but must purchase them each year from companies such as Bayer, due to the fact that such seeds are...

The UN Sustainable Development Gaols all deal with the technological, economic and social aspects of alternatives energies.

Which of the following is considered a misleading practice related to sustainability?

To report sustainability issues, business use more and more..

It is possible to quatify the trade-offs to determine whether to accept or reject environmentally related activities and programs through...

Which of the following does a cap-and-trade program reduce?

Is this statement true or false?

" Despite the widespread use, the term sustainability has  been utilized and interpreted in substantially different ways. Sustainability for some is largely synonymous with environmental sustainability, whereas antoher concept does not only include environmental issues, but also economic and social considerations.