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Business Ethics - Stakeholders, Social responsibility and Corporate Governance

FHNW - IM 1 semester Business Ethics (S. 4)

FHNW - IM 1 semester Business Ethics (S. 4)

Kartei Details

Karten 10
Sprache English
Kategorie Religion/Ethik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 30.12.2021 / 30.12.2021
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Those who claim in some aspect a firm's products, operations, markets, industrz and outcomes are known as...

Stakeholders provide resources ghat are more or less critical to a companys long term succes.

Which of the following do not tipically engage in transactions with a company and thus are not essential for its survival?

The stakeholder perspective is useful in managing social reaponaibility and business ethics

A firm that makes use of a .... recognizes other stakeholders beyond investors, employess, ans suppliers, and explicitly acknowledges the two-way dialog that exists between a firms internal and external environemnts.

Which of the following industries tends to generate a high level of trust from customers and stakeholders?

Which of the following is NOT a benefit that primary stakeholders tend to provide to organizations?

Social responsibility in business refers to maximizing the visibility of social involvement