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Physiology of Eating - L10&11



Kartei Details

Karten 16
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Biologie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 29.05.2021 / 02.07.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Why & How can stress inhibit or promote eating? 




1. acute stress: inhibits eating: CRF & urocortin act on AgRP/POMC Neurons in ARC

2. chronic stress: increases wanting + consumption of palatable foods via dopaminergic system 

-> Depends on many factors: Nature of stress (physiologic, psychogenic), intensity/duration, prior experiences with food, restraint eating score 

-> independent of whether more/less food is consumed when stressed, there is always a shift toward more comfort foods 

Basic Mechanisms of Effects of Glucocorticoids on Eating (3)


1. increase of wanting/eating palatable foods -> increase in insulin resistance, more FFA release and uptake -> more MESENTERIC AT

2. increased fructose consumption -> activation of 11beta-HSD-1 -> stimulates release of more glucocorticoids

3. increased gluconeogenesis, insulin (resistance), LPL (enzyme that directs energy to various tissues)  -> more MESENTERIC AT

How does (lack of) sleep contribute to obesity? 







a. endocrine changes (increased ghrelin, decreased leptin) -> increased hunger 

b. Hedonic factors -> increased time/opportunity to eat, increased food reward 


a. decreased thermogenesis

b. increased fatigue

c. decreased physical activity 

-> increased energy intake + decreased energy expenditure 

(+ another factor is gut dysbiosis -> disrupted intestinal barrier + increased LPS translocation)


Effects of estradiol on eating (3)


1. Inhibiting effect on food intake -> major effect is enhancement of CCK satiation by acting in hindbrain

2. estradiol receptors are all over brain -> also in many areas involved in eating regulation/energy homeostasis

3. Estradiol can act in all these areas! (and thus has an effect on food intake)

Premenstrual disorders (3)

1. high fluctuations of estrogen/progesterone 

2. depends on individual differences -> genetics, stress, history of mood disorders 

3. women show disturbed eating! -> changes coincide with changes in serotonin activity (depression..)

Estradiol & Menopause (4)

1. menopause: dramatic drop in estrogen levels + estrogen dominance (over progesterone) 

2. leads to disrupted estrogen-related systems (e.g. thermoregulation, sleep, circadian rhythm etc.)

3. thus MAINLY neurological symptoms -> hot flushes, insommnia, mood changes, depression, eating, impaired cognitive function

4. Estradiol receptors: ESR1, ESR2, GPER 

Why do women gain weight during menopause? 

estrogen & FSH levels decrease, which leads to a decrease in muscle mass & strength, energy expenditure and adipose cell metabolism -> increased body weight

Bidirectional interaction between obesity & depression (4)

1. factors that trigger the cycles: genetics, stress, poor diet

-> Neuroendocrine effects (HPA-axis, leptin, insulin dysregulation)

-> Gut Microbiota (Dysbiosis)

-> Adipose tissue (increased lipogenesis, pro-inflammatory cytokines) 

2. All of this leads to neuroinflammation (also via IDO, which is a key enzyme involved in the synthesis of monoamines (serotonine, dopamine)

3. Altered brain activity for mood&food 

4. Depression <-> Obesity