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Interaktive Computergrafik

VL Interaktive Computergrafik

VL Interaktive Computergrafik

Kartei Details

Karten 194
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Informatik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 24.04.2021 / 21.07.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Are the following fields subject to computer graphics or computer vision?

A: stitching videos to a panorama

B: generation of videos or images from input data

C: alteration of videos like saturation correction

D: computer games

E: Animation

F: idetification of lines and structures from building photos

G: creation of a 3D model from an MRI or video

H: location and idetifying objects like animals, partos of humans, cars in images or videos

Computer vision: A,F,G,H

Computer graphics: B,C,D,E

Which of the following is not a human sense?

What ist computer graphics?

The science of the digital ACTION_1ACTION_2, and ACTION_3 of visual content.

ACTION_1 is… definition/creation/study

ACTION_2 is …processing/progressing/procrastenating

ACTION_3 is… syntactics/synabtic/synthesis

creation, processing, synthesis

Which information is relevant to display images with computer graphics?

  • object’s perceived color
  • light-material-interaction model
  • object’s roughness
  • object’s shininess
  • object’s surface geometry

How is the contact-free measurement and analysis method named, that determines object shape and orientation from image data?

What difficulties arise during image synthesis, when the only representation of an object is its surface geometry?

What is the spectrum range of human visible light?

What is photopic vision?