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SysSec Lec 1,2 and 3

Side Channel Attacks

Side Channel Attacks

Kartei Details

Karten 14
Sprache English
Kategorie Elektrotechnik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 05.01.2021 / 14.01.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Which types of devices are mainly targeted by power analysis side channel attacks?

Smartcards, RFID chips, Sensor Nodes

What is the meaning of the abbreviations SPA and DPA? And what is the difference between thes two?

SPA - Simple Power Analysis / DPA - Differential Power Analysis

While SPA aims for direct traces of a cryptographic key or secret, DPA combines Statistical analysis of multiple measurements with CPA and CCA to extract information about the secret.

What is the meaning of CCA, CPA and KPA?

CCA - Chosen Ciphertext Attack

CPA - Chosen Plaintext Attack

KPA - Known Plaintext Attack

There are also attacks called Chosen Plain- and Ciphertext Attacks

What equipment are used for power cryptanalysis attacks?

Modified reader, Oscilloscope, Ammeter

Given a CMOS logic gate as in the drawing, what can you say about the power consumed during transitions from:


0 to 0

1 to 1

0 to 1

1 to 0

0 to 0: Almost no power used

1 to 1: Almost no power used

0 to 1: Power used is proportional to C1

1 to 0: Power used is proportional to C2

Name three target examples for DPA.

– Storing data to the register or memory (storing 1 vs 0)

– Shifts and rotations (depends on the number of positions by which we shift)

– Logical and arithmetic operations (strong dependency on the values of the operand)

What is the goal of protection against power analysis attacks?

Elimination or significant reduction of the correlation between operand values and power consumption

Draw Shamir's countermeasure schematically. Explain in a few words how it works.

Shamir's Countermeasure uncouples the direct voltage input from the voltage input of a microcontroller by adding to capacitances of which one is charged by the external power supply while the other delivers its energy to the microcontroller