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Business Ethics

Course Business Ethics FHNW (Business Administration IM)

Course Business Ethics FHNW (Business Administration IM)

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Kartei Details

Karten 246
Lernende 28
Sprache English
Kategorie Religion/Ethik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 22.12.2020 / 18.01.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Studies have found that more than a third of the unethical situations that lower and middle-level managers face come from _____.

Chapter 5

Business ethics deals with right or wrong behavior within a particular organization.

Chapter 1, Check your EQ

That stems from the basic definition

Three primary stakeholders are customers, special interest groups, and the media.

Chapter 2, Check your EQ

Although customers are primary stakeholders, special interest groups and the media are usually considered secondary stakeholders

Please fill in the missing part in a manner consistent with business ethics.

After identifying ethical risk areas, ethical leaders should develop policies and procedures for _____ and _____ misconduct. This process is an important part of risk management.

While companies might adopt risk management plans to deal with economic, marketing, and technological risks, they are less likely to consider _____ risks as a major area of concern.

pp. 332-333

Which-ones of the following terms belong to the same group (i.e., the same category)?

1) Egoism

2) Utilitarianism

3) Relativism

4) Consequentialism

5) Nonconsequentialism

Chapter 6

Please fill in the missing part in a manner consistent with business ethics. (p. 135/moderate)

A(n) _____ is a problem, situation, or opportunity that requires an individual, group, or organisation to choose among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong, ethical or unethical.

p. 135

Which leadership type values people, their emotions, and their needs and relies on friendship and trust to promote flexibility, innovation, and risk taking?

Chapter 11, p. 330

All of these are ways of reducing pollution, except:

p. 362