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Semantics 666

JLU Semantics

JLU Semantics

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 69
Language English
Category English
Level University
Created / Updated 24.05.2020 / 08.06.2020
Licencing Not defined
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a methodological construct in sociolinguistics whereby language change is studied by comparing the speech of individuals of different ages. Thus by comparing younger and older speakers the direction of language change can be detected


sociolinguistic research method concerned with observing linguistic variation and change in progress via longitudinal studies. Real time studies track linguistic variables over time by collecting data from a speech community at multiple points in in a given period

applied linguistics

solutions to language related real-life problems


absence of any natural or necessary connection between a words meaning and its sound or form


a variety is autonomous if it has independent cultural status

British National Corpus

BNC, 1990s, 100 million words, BrE, 10% spoken, 90% written

competence < -- > performance

technical knowledge vs what is actually being said

contrastive linguistics

 systematic comparison between two (or more) languages (Whorf 1941)