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Human Resource Management



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 51
Language English
Category Micro-Economics
Level University
Created / Updated 05.05.2020 / 01.01.2024
Licencing Not defined
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What is OBOR (One Belt, one Road) stand for and what are the two different routes?

900 Billion $ development strategy by Chinese leader XI Jinping

--> connectivity and cooperation of countries primarily between CHina and Eurasia

1. Land-based: Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB)

2. Oceangoing: Maritime Silk Road (MSR)

What is the definition of human resource management?

Name the four elements of strategic management

- the process of managing HR to achieve organizations objectives

- mission, vision, strategy, core values (beliefs and principles)

HR Challenges and Trends:

Describe cost awareness and flexibility in 4 stages

What are the goals of it?

Stage 1: basic reporting and trending

Stage 2: benchmarking and correlations with business metrics

Stage 3: cause/effect analysis of key workforce outcomes

Stage 4: predictive analysis


- Productivity and Compensation

- Data Analytics: building technical skills and expertise to take advantage of AI

- Disruptive Innovation: increase performance of G&S

HR Challenges and Trends:

What is Corporate Governance?

Give an example of a country with a high and a low Corruption Perception Index

Framework of rules/practices by which board director ensures:

- Accountability, fairness, transparency in company's relationship with stakeholder

high Index: Switzerland (85/100)

low Index: Somalia (10/100)

Besides Cost Awareness & Flexibility and Corporate Governance, what are other HR Challenges and Trends?

- Measuring and enhancing employee engagement

- Managing Global Workforce- Global staffing

- Performance Management

- Compensation Management


What is the CEO's List and what are it's four goals?

Advanced upskilling program site that improves engagement innovation and ability to attract and retain talent

1.     Increasing job automation

2.     Decreasing talent availability

3.     Decreasing mobility of skilled labor

4.     Ageing Talent

Strategic HRM:

Explain the Resource Based View

- views firm as a "bundel of resources"

- the way resources are combined can differentiate the firm --> analysis starting point is internal

1. Change capability: Processes to integrate, reconfigure, gain and release resources - to mach and create change

2. Knowledge Management:

Creation: Human Capital Pool (Knowledge, skills, ability, behavior)

Transfer: Relationships

Integration: Organization Capital (Processes, Routines)


What is the Application (Core competencies) of RBV?

Core competencies:

-       skills and technologies enabling company to provide particular benefits to customer

-       not product-specific

-       sum of learning across individual skill sets and organizational units