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Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Machine Learning



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 22
Language Deutsch
Category Computer Science
Level University
Created / Updated 30.04.2020 / 02.05.2020
Licencing Not defined
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if the hypothesis space contains the true functions

Trade off Accuracy vs. Generalization

Tradeoff between complex hypothesis that fit well and a simpler hypothesis that generalize well

Supervised learning (x,y)? y=f(x)? and h?

(x,y) input-output pair

y = f(x) true function to be approximated

h hypothesis

inducitve learning

learning a general function (generalization)

deductive learning

from known general function to a new rule

reinforcment learning

agent decides at the end by its own if id did right (exampel with taxi driver - tip or no tip)

or how to act or behave when given occasional reward

No free lunch theorem

No universally best Model. A set of assumptions work well for a Problem A but necesseraly for Problem B. Diffrent Models lead to diffrent Algo.

Types of Machine Learning

Supervised: input-output value pair

Unsupervised: classification
