Immunology TEST 1
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Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 177 |
Students | 34 |
Language | English |
Category | Medical science/Pharmaceutics |
Level | University |
Created / Updated | 28.04.2020 / 20.04.2021 |
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Antigenicity, this is
A blood smear, this is a test aimed basically to assess:
The essential elements of the specific recognition in the immune system are
A Cell that encounters an antigen for which it has a specific receptor may finally:
The acquired immune response can be characterized by the below
features with the EXCEPTION of
A Fab composition in an antibody
(-> allotopes, which are non-varying structures on the Fc receptor.)
To identify populations of NK cells and T-cell in the peripheral
blood cell population, there should be assessed
(Midterm Set II)
A HIV infection diagnostic procedure referred to as a confirmation
test should be