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Italienisch Learn Italian for Beginners Udemy

Begleitende Lernkartei zu Udemy Learn Italian for Beginners

Begleitende Lernkartei zu Udemy Learn Italian for Beginners

Kartei Details

Karten 198
Sprache English
Kategorie Italienisch
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 15.04.2020 / 10.03.2023
Lizenzierung Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen (CC BY-SA)    (Hannu Ruprecht)
<iframe src="" width="780" height="150" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Konjugiere das Verb Sein, to be


io sono

tu sei

lui, lei e'

noi siamo

voi siete

loro sono


Konjugiere das Verb Haben


io ho

tu hai

lui, lei ha

noi abbiamo

voi avete

loro hanno

Aussprache C und G:

Hart Aussprache?

Weiche Aussprache?

Hart: A U O, HI, HE

Weich: I und E

Special Sounds in Italian (8)

SCI (scivolo = slide) SCE (scena = scene) GLI (aglio = garlic)

GN + VOWEL which sounds are
GNA (campagna = countryside)

GNE (campagne = countrysides)

GNI (sogni = dreams)
GNO (sogno = dream)
GNU (ognuno = each )

  • What definite article is IL?
  • When is it used?
  • When not (5)?

  • Masculine singular
  • Before consonants
  • Not used before
    1. Z
    2. S
    3. Ps
    4. Gn
    5. Sc

What definite article is LO?

When is it used (6)?

  • Masculine singular
  • Used before the following consonants
  1. Z
  2. S
  3. Ps
  4. Gn
  5. Pn
  6. Sc

  • What definite article is L'?
  • When is it used?

  • Masculine and feminine singular
  • Used with all of the vowels (A,E,I,O,U)

  • What definite article is LA?
  • When is it used (2)?

  • Singular feminine
  • Used with all the consonants
  • Used with all the special sounds