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John Boyne: The Boy at the Top of the Mountain



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 12
Language English
Category English
Level Secondary School
Created / Updated 13.02.2020 / 19.02.2020
Licencing Not defined
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Chapter 1

What does classroom bully mean?

A classroom bully is a person who is very bossy towards his classmates.

Chapter 1

What is the name of Pierrot's mother?

The name of Pierrot's mother is Émily.

Chapter 1

What is the name of Pierrot's father?

The name of Pierrot's father is Wilhelm Fischer.

Chapter 1

What conflict do Pierrot's father and mother have?

They argue about their countries and which one is better than the other.

Chapter 1

Why does Pierrot's father sometimes scream in his sleep?

He has nightmares about his past as soldier in the First World War.

Chapter 1

Who is the employer of Pierrot's father?

His father works as a waiter for Monsieur Abrahams.

Chapter 1

Who is Papa Joffre?

Papa Joffre was a famous French general in the First World War and he is client of Monsieur Abrahams.

Chapter 1

How old is Pierrot when he sees his father for the last time? What month?

He just turned four. And it is May.