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Anästhesie final exam

Finals 2020/18/17

Finals 2020/18/17

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 156
Students 20
Language English
Category Medical
Level University
Created / Updated 07.02.2020 / 23.07.2024
Licencing Not defined
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1) The capnogram below is a sign that your patient has just had:


2) The leading cause of cardiac arrest in children is:


3) Brain-stem reflexes include:


4) Which of the following investigations is the most important to perform immediately after hospital admission in a patient with clinical signs of stroke?

5) Acute kidney injury is associated with:


6) The typical pattern of hyperdynamic septic shock is:


7) What is your preferred option?

BP 140/79

Pulse 130

RR 35

audible wheezing

unable to speak full sentence

PH 7,18

PaO2 75mmHg

PaCO2 90mmHg

HCO3 23mmol/L

BE -2 mmol/L

8) Which equation describes Cardiac output (CO)