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V05 Exploration and Expliotation (Ambidexterity)in individuals

Key concepts: - Understand exploration - exploitation at individual level - know what is attention at the individual level, types of attentian and why attention control is important Methods: - Understand how exploration and expliotation can be measured at a very fine-grained way.

Key concepts: - Understand exploration - exploitation at individual level - know what is attention at the individual level, types of attentian and why attention control is important Methods: - Understand how exploration and expliotation can be measured at a very fine-grained way.

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 7
Language Deutsch
Category Micro-Economics
Level University
Created / Updated 03.01.2020 / 13.01.2020
Licencing Not defined
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Name 5 key words each which describes Exploitation and Exploration according to the paper mentioned below.

(Laureiro-Martinez, Brusoni, Canessa, Zollo 2014 - Understanding the exploration-exploitation dilemma)

Exploration: experimentation, flexibility, discovery, innovation, seeking for alternatives

Expliotation: high-level application, selection, refinement, production, efficiency

Define Attention control accoring to the paper mentioned below. And what is attention control responsible for? (5 Points)

(Laureiro-Martinez, Brusoni, Canessa, Zollo 2014 - Understanding the exploration-exploitation dilemma)

"Cognitive control capabilities" (def. from lecture)
The ability to change learning strategies and focus attention on selected aspects of the environment.

  • Thinking abstractly and drawing analogies
  • Sustained attention
  • Working memory
    • selecting sensory informationd and storing (only) relevant information
  • Planing and generativity
    • planning future actions
  • Reflective capacity
    • initiating appropriate actions
    • inhibiting inappropriate and impulsive behaviors

What is attention?

  • Attention is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought.
  • Focalization and concentration of consciousness are essencial.
  • It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others.

What are the two types of attention and describe them which an example.

What does in this context describe the attention control?

Bottom Up Attention:
Referring to attentional guidance purely by externally driven factors to stimuli that are salient because of their inherent properties relative to the background.

Example: Video with Skoda-Car or Fly on lecture slide.

Top Down Attention:
Referring to internal guidance of attention based on prior knowledge, willful plans, and current goals.

Attention control: Switching between those two types of attention in a proper way.

What regions of the brain are responsible for the following actions?

  • Exploitation
  • Exploration
  • Desicion-making performance (swiching between exploration and exploitation)

(Laureiro-Martinez, Brusoni, Canessa, Zollo 2014 - Understanding the exploration-exploitation dilemma)

  • Exploitation: Brain region involved which is reward-related 
  • Exploration: Brain regions involved with the assesment of reward-related uncertainty and cognitive and attentional control
  • Desicion-making performance (swiching between exploration and exploitation): Brain regions involved which is responsible for attentional control

What types of attention are responsible for exporation? And for exploitation?

Both buttom-up and top-down learning are involved in explorative and exploitative desicions.

What are the conclusions of the four-armed cambling machine experiment in terms of

1. Number of exploitative and explorative switches

2. Number of total swiches

3. Role of Generalists


1. No significant difference 

2. No significant difference

3. Generalists decision-making performance is better because they are able to switch from exploration and expliotation at different moments. They show stronger ativations in regions related to attention control, planning, idea generation, behavioral switching.