Premium Partner

Parallele Programmierung - FS18

Begriffe für Prüfung Parallele Programmierung ETH

Begriffe für Prüfung Parallele Programmierung ETH

Kartei Details

Karten 26
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Informatik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 20.08.2018 / 20.08.2018
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Amdahl's law

S= 1/(f+(1-f)/p)

S: Speedup

p: n Processors

f = Anteil nicht parallelisierbarer Instruktionen

Gustafson's law

Sp = p + (p-1)f

S: Speedup

p: n Processors

f: sequential fraction of any parallel process

max Speedup (Amdahl)

Amdahl with p -> inf

Pipeline troughput (Durchsatz)

troughput = 1 / (max(computationtime(stages))

[ignoring lead-in and lead-out time]

Latency (Latenz)

time to perform a computation

balanced pipeline: constant over time

Lock Contention

If a thread wants to take a lock that is already taken by another thread

Solution: Back off if the lock cannot be taken


Mutual Exclusion

Solutions for ABA-Problem

- Garbage Collection
- Pointer Tagging
- Hazard Pointers
- Transactional Memory