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Anatomy: Nasal region (English)

The nasal region consists of two main structures: nose, which defines the center of the face; and nasal cavity, an air-filled space above and behind the nose.

USD 9.00

The nasal region consists of two main structures: nose, which defines the center of the face; and nasal cavity, an air-filled space above and behind the nose.

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USD 9.00

Kartei Details

Karten 72
Sprache English
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Universität
Copyright Kenhub
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 08.06.2018 / 08.06.2018
Druckbar Ja


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Ethmoid bone

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Superior nasal concha

Concha nasalis superior

Inferior nasal concha

Concha nasalis inferior

Middle nasal concha

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Sphenoethmoidal recess

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Sphenopalatine foramen

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Agger nasi

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Lateral nasal cartilage

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