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International trade

Chapitre 2 - The ricardian model

Chapitre 2 - The ricardian model

Kartei Details

Karten 11
Sprache Français
Kategorie VWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 08.01.2018 / 08.01.2018
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)    (JM)
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What are reasons for trade? 

Countries differences => comparative advantage 

- Based of productivity (Ricardo) 

- Based on endowments (HO) 

OR Countries similarities 

- Economies of scale 

What is the source of comparative advantage for Ricardo? 

Difference in production technologies across countries. 

What are the main assumptions? 

1) Perfect Competition 

2) Labord only factor of production 

3) Endowments given, confined to country but intersectorally mobile within each country 

4) Full employment 

5) 2 countries with different technologies (prod functions)

6) Constant returnes to labor 

7) Numbers of goods : 2 or infinite 

Def of labor requirement per unit output 

Def of labor productivity 


- ai : coeff : measures the quantity of labour necessary to produce one unit of good i 

- the inverse of the labour requirement : 1/ai 

What is the full employment condition? 

L = ac*Qc + aa*Qa 

Def of PPF 

max possible production level for a givent techno and factor endowment 

Def of the opportunity cost 

the slope of the PPF indicates the opportunity cost of the two goods. 

Def of world ppf

Juxtapose the country PPFs as the outer lines